Friday, April 19, 2013

We Caved.

It's true, folks. As I hinted at in my last post, we have indeed gone hippie. Kind of. It was bound to happen if we lived here long enough, it just happened sooner than I thought. I guess it's been a combination of Paul's ambition and interest in all things organic and natural and my reluctant realization that going green means living healthy and happily.

In case the word Seattle doesn't paint a vivid enough picture for the community that we've been living in....maybe this picture will sum it all up.

I mean...look how HUGE the compost container is! And I could barely fit a toothbrush in that tiny garbage can.

I really did put off the transition as long as possible. I mean, I'm still using a $19 semi-waterproof hoodless jacket-wanna-be that I hoped would last me through the rainy season (cough all year long) here.

Although I'm still too stubborn to buy a nice rain jacket, I did get these fabulous hiking boots from my grandparents for Christmas. I have to admit, I adore them. They make me want to hike ALL the time (MIRACLE shoes I tell you).

Next thing you know, I attend a Relief Society Activity where they talk about homemade granola. And what do you know, it is so dang cheap and easy to make! Hooked.

Confession: got this lovely picture on the web...didn't snag a pic of the granola I made.

We're even buying local, organic produce. Well, some of the time. But still! If you knew how I ate in college, you'd just be proud that we're buying produce at all. And we have to admit that it makes us feel great.

We're even on board with the green smoothies that everyone else discovered years ago (Paul included).

Most of all, I think we're just really loving the outdoors. Something about living near such gorgeous evergreen trees just makes us want to go out and celebrate Earth Day! Granted, the rain still makes me grumpy some days. But when the clouds part, let me tell you that it looks heavenly up here.

I have to close this post by reassuring my loved ones that I haven't lost my integrity. We are not vegan, or even vegetarian. We definitely see the appeal, and have been trying to use less meat in general...but I mean come on. This Kansas City girl will always love a date that involves some steak. :)


  1. Kristin! I love this, you know being granola is not so bad, I'm just waiting for you to get chacos and start dreds in your hair. heh. Maybe we should go something adventurous if you are in Utah. . . Climbing?

    1. Haha not sure about the dreds, but chacos could be great for canoeing! Sign me up!
